In the increasingly fierce market in which all companies live, no matter which branch or size they are, remember that winning a new client costs 5 to 7 times more than maintaining a current one (statistics of good old North American marketing consultant, American Philip Kotler) can be a watershed between success or stagnation (because we do not even want to mention the word "failure") of a sales period.
Capturing new clients requires strong investment in attraction, argumentation, persuasion, demonstration, proof ... And all this before even reaching the "yes". All these processes are also required before an already served customer, however it is much quicker and more productive to act on someone who already trusts a brand than to do a whole new and unknown field.
Well, there is a tool that can greatly facilitate the task of improving the chances of new sales to base customers. Business Intelligence (BI). Softwares of this type allow you to use data from various sources, such as promotions, databases, administrative and financial systems, CRMs, spreadsheets, store documentation and many others, to generate analyzes that enrich the content, transforming loose data into contextualized information and really helpful.
Properly capturing, organizing, analyzing and distributing data is not a simple process - and it is not even a process at all. But a good BI tool can do it masterly and deliver, in the end, information that will generate powerful insights to guide business and administrative decisions.
The data of a customer or a category of customers can, if well analyzed, bring insights about their preferences, behavior, purchase profile, weak and strong points, minimum and maximum purchase ticket, consumer habits, among others that make it possible to trace strategies to guide offers, promotions, definition of new products and services, price formation and a number of other possibilities.
BI does nothing more than use the information that companies already have - and continue to raise every day - to give them the power to predict, organize, plan and adjust the right strategy for each group of customers.
In addition, data analysis can also be used to compose company management strategies - after all, those who are not well in-house will not have much chance of improving external earnings. In this sense, a well-oiled BI is a key part of predicting economic and administrative scenarios, projecting sales trends, tracking costs and profits, anticipating potential problems and thinking about solutions, detecting company and customer bottlenecks, analyzing ROI, and - very much - more.
Information in scattered sources is just accumulated words and numbers. Already analyzed data is intelligence for the business. It is vital to use this technology to generate positive and profitable results.